Configure WiFi & Register

Configure WiFi & Register

  • Please login with your Google account before proceed. If you do not have Google account, please create one.
  • Connect hardware via USB interface to macOS, Windows or Linux computer.
  • After 25 seconds hardware finishes booting and red LED on NanoPi Neo Air lights, in computer browser input hardware IP address to access it.
  • Follow instructions in the browser and connect hardware to WiFi. After 10 seconds, can see WiFi IP address and green LED on NanoPi Neo Air blinks (this indicates WiFi is connected).
  • Click "Go to register" button at the top right to register hardware with account.
  • After registration, can see hardware as shown in below picture.



  • Login to, go to My Devices, and click "Access" button to access.
    • click "More" => "Enable/Disable remote access" to control remote access
    • login / password = usb7 / usb7
    • Use sudo to run command if necessary.
    • Hardware can be remotely accessed from anywhere in the world.